notitas 3

Me gusta las ciencias sociales, porque de hecho hablan de las historias personales. No es nomás estadística.

Les dejo un breve pasaje de la tesis de Chizuko Watanabe (1983):

Officially speaking, immigration to Mexico did not start until 1897, but it is known that there were some Japanese living in Mexico even as early as 1891. When Toshiro Fujita, the representative at the newly opened Japanese Legation in Mexico, was surveying the Mexican Pacific Coast, he heard tales of a Japanese living in Hermosillo, Sonora State. Fuj ita located the man, who had almost forgotten the Japanese language. According to his story, he had left Japan for the United States at age eight, part of a traveling acrobatic team. The team toured for three years in the United States, Central and South America. When his guardian died in Mexico, he left the others, stayed behind, and lived in Mexico thereafter (Irie 1936: 246 aput Watanabe 1983: 4).

En serio me hace pensar que erré el camino cuando decidí dedicarme al análisis de la lengua.


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