Frequently Asked Questions

Are you married?
Not married. My friend and me are planning to have a kid together.

Ahhh, cool... Are you gay?
–I'm not gay.
–You said "friend", so I thought you could be.
–No. She's really my friend :)
–You two just want a baby together.
–Yes yes.

Who will have the baby? You or her?

So why not go to a sperm bank?
Because I believe that reproductive sex is the hottest, and I don't want to miss that.

Ahh, so you want to find a guy to have sex with until you get pregnant?

I saw you are looking for good genes. What are the specific traits?
I want a good looking guy. Athletic. Caucasian or similar. Intelligent with normal mental health.

So what exactly do you want from me?
–Well, I would like to see if we have physical chemistry. You know, it takes time. So I want to really like you. Having proved that none of us has any STD, then we are good to go.

And after you are pregnant?
–Just to get you pregnant and go my own way?


Anonymous said…
Hola. Si esto no es una broma, tal vez te puedo ayudar.
ryujisama at Gmail. Com
gin said…
Por supuesto que esto no es una broma.
Contáctame en @naochulada
→Envíame un tweet, para agregarte y mandarte un DM.
Anonymous said…
Suena interesante, no es la primera vez que veo algo así. En lo personal he tenido ofertas similares en el pasado, y sin ser mamón la verdad es que nunca he encontrado a nadie con quien quiera compartir mis genes. Al menos nadie sana o que no vaya a criar a un macho o una mujer abnegada y sumisa.

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