medical consultation
So I finally went to the cute doctor, and guess what, he says, you have nothing serious, I suggest you rest, have hot drinks, don't be outside in this cold, don't travel... I just looked at him like, you really are a cute doctor, but, are you going to give me something or not? because, seriously, I can't sleep because of the coughing, so he looks at me with this cute Czech doctor smile, and goes like, I'm going to prescribe something to stop the cough, that's the only thing I can do for you, while I'm thinking, that cannot be true. Then he starts writing his 2 thousand 1 hundred and 50 crowns report, and laughs, right? I giggle and ask, what? so he laughs again, and says, I'm laughing about your sentence, that's what he says, and then he repeats my words, you are not going to give me anything, and continues, please, doctor! help me! I laugh with my scratchy throat, while I recall him, examining my torso, with my clothes off, the shirt also, please, and he is so close that I can't help blushing a little bit, and so I start looking at the walls, and take a deep breath, when he tells me to do so.
Nada más pasaba a saludar y a ponerme al corriente porque tenía muchas lunas sin pasearme por acá. Siempre es entretenido leerte.
Un abrazo.
Pues muchas gracias, hombre. Hasta podría empezar a agradecer como Porfirio, pos se agradece, Bernardo, pos te presto mi mariachi, pos... pos empieza tú primero, pos se agradece!
Me jacto y te comparto la jactancia de saber que eres de mis pocos lectores desconocidos.
Un abrazo.
Pues nos jactamos de ser desconocidos en el sentido estricto de la palabra, no así de los escritos, mediante los cuales podemos escondernos un poco en el anonimato del blogger pero, al mismo tiempo, mostrarnos con la esperanza de no toparnos de frente con quien está del otro lado del cable: contarnos nuestras historias esperando que alguien más nos escuche como confidente involuntario.
Respecto a lo de "pocos lectores", dicen por ahí "no somos muchos pero somos machos".
Reciba un saludo y un abrazo desde la región 4 de los DVD's.